We are looking forward to welcoming you to Mount Roskill Grammar School. The following information and links provide you with what you need to know about joining our whānau.
All students are expected to wear the official Mount Roskill Grammar School uniform.
MRGS uniform can be purchased online here or at the Prestidges shop at 65 New North Road, Eden Terrace.
School Uniform requirements can be found here – MRGS Uniform Requirements 2025.pdf
Click here for more information regarding purchasing uniforms.
Stationery lists
All stationery lists for all year levels can be found here.
If you wish to purchase stationery from OfficeMax and take advantage of their free shipping with orders over $70 including GST, please click this link.
The school does not sell stationery.
Term dates
Our school term dates can be found here.
Important dates to note for Term 1 are below:
- Thurs 30th Jan – Pōwhiri for all new students, Year 9 Induction Day 1, Course Confirmation Day
- Fri 31st Jan – Year 9 Induction Day 2
- Mon 3rd Feb: First day for all students
- Thurs 6th Feb: Waitangi Day – School Closed
For more detailed school dates, please use the Schoolbridge app to see the school calendar.
Mount Roskill Grammar is a Google school and we strongly recommend that all students bring a device for learning to school with them everyday. Learning devices should be compact, should have good battery life, and should have a keyboard. A device can be purchased from your local electronics retailer.
Students greatly benefit from having a learning device in their classes because the use of a learning device increases the opportunities for students to access learning and revision resources.
Students will use their devices in most classes to write, for reading and research, and to receive, organise and submit assessments through Google Classroom.
We use Schoolbridge as a key way for you to access information. Once your child has started and has a school email, we recommend downloading the app.
Schoolbridge provides access to the following:
- Updating attendance
- Viewing upcoming events & links to trip information
- Access to newsletters
Download the Schoolbridge app here.