Career Service
Careers information for Mt Roskill Grammar School can be found on the MRGS Careers website.
The HOD Careers is available before school, after school, at interval and lunchtime to students of all levels for short discussions about future education, training, career pathways and jobs.
Students with career issues can book an appointment with the HOD Careers by using the Book an Appointment tab on the MRGS Careers website. This service is open to students at all levels within the school and includes assistance with CV writing and job applications.
During the year students have the opportunity to attend a range of career events including guest speakers from tertiary institutions and the Defence Force, our annual careers expo, presentations on different career pathways, trips to university and to learn about trades and jobs etc.
What is Gateway?
The GATEWAY programme is designed to strengthen the pathway for Year 12 and 13 students to progress from school to the workplace.
It provides students with structured workplace learning, across a wide range of industries and businesses, while they continue to study at school.Students are given the opportunity to ‘test drive’ their career choices, while gaining valuable ‘real’ experience and ‘real’ learning. GATEWAY gives students confidence to make a smooth transition from school to work, while still attending school.
For more information email
Who is eligible for the GATEWAY Programme?
- Year 13 and selected Year 12 students at Mt Roskill Grammar School
- Students who have a good attendance record
- Students who are ready to enter the working world but want some experience first
- Students who can keep up to date with academic studies while on placement
- Students who have a desire to explore a particular career path
- Students who have parental approval and support
How to apply
Students will be advised when application forms are available through the school’s daily notices.
Acceptance is by way of an application and interview process. The school reserves the right to select suitable students.
For more information on Gateway please email
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